I was in a meeting at work when I received a text from Njeru saying, “Nelson Mandela has passed away!” I read out loud the text message, sharply interrupting the meeting and placed my hand over my heart in disbelief, not wanting to believe the news. I confirmed the news with CNN and it was true.
I was shy of being 10 when Nelson Mandela was released from prison. I can not remember the details of his release, but I do remember my parents discussing the events of what they thought was an important day in history for South Africans, Africans and African Americans. I did not really know much about Mandela until I went to college and took a South African and Civil Right class. The class explored the comparisons of leaders, education and segregation both in South Africa and in America. It was not until then that I became fascinated about how at two different times and places, black people were struggling for freedom and equality.
Now, 23 years later from the time of his release from prison I reflect back on his life and the legacy that he as left the world. I will be able to one day tell my children that Nelson Madiba stood up against injustice, facing the demons of oppression, persevered in the darkest time,and rising up like champ. I still to this day don’t know how he forgave the apartheid system (talk about the power of forgiveness). He has left a legacy of love,forgiveness, courage, and humility. If I had a quarter of what he possessed I would be a winner!
I want to leave a legacy were women are empowered to be their best version of themselves! I know that this will take vision, love, courage, humility, and tenacity. Remember,
“Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”
-Marianne Williamson
What legacy do you want to leave behind?