Saturday, December 21, 2013

Going balls to the wall....

So I was talking to a very important person about the year 2014 that is quickly approaching us.  We talked about things in our lives that we want to do differently and the strategies that we need to take to get there in accomplishing our dreams.  Don’t get me wrong 2013 was a great year and I have a lot to be thankful for.  One thing I have been reflecting upon is how I have been playing small.  When you play small you do not play to win, you play to avoid losing!

I am realizing that I have been doubting my abilities.  When you doubt your abilities the Universe  does not allow you to walk into your divine greatness.  I will never be 100 % prepared, but my experiences and the people that I have met along the way are preparing me for what is ahead.

My very important person pointed out, “you have to  give up the need to know how” .  Reflecting on what this means to me in my life I realized that this year what has held me back from living out my purpose is FEAR!  So in 2014 I commit to doing it afraid.  So I encourage you in 2014 to do the following:

1. Set a goal that will stretch you and grow you
2. Take small daily actions because fear is conquered one step at a time 
3. Develop a positive attitude 

As we get near the end of the year I hope you take the time to reflect on how you can make 2014 your best year!  Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.  

-- LO xo


  1. Girl you better say IT!!!!!! I had been playing it small for a while too--hence why I am now in Grad school AGAIN. But now that I am past the fear phase, it is awesome! You can do it!

  2. Lolade, AMEN!!!!!!!!! I can completely relate on the front of playing it small out of fear. It's time to break out!
